Welcome to the Plant Ecophysiology lab at the University of Vigo !

In this lab our research is focused on interactions between invasive plants and their new environment with implications in control and restoration. We are interested in ecophysiological strategies of plant species that allow them to compete in natural or agricultural environments. We are also interested in how plant characteristics affect the soil microorganisms and cycling of nutrients and to know the chemical composition of natural plant leachates (allelopathy).

We employ a variety of approaches including plant physiological measurements (photosynthesis, respiration and chlorophyll fluorescence); plant biochemical measurements (proteins, pigments and stress markers); soil microorganisms structure and function (DGGE, soil enzymatic activities and soil basal respiration) and plant elemental composition. We also utilize chemical measures of the environment (soil solution and plant leachates), as well as stable isotopic composition of plants.

Other aim of the lab is phytoremediation, focused on ecophysiological characteristics of plants capable of restoring mine tailings.


Research Themes

1. Ecophysiology of invasive plant species: impacts, potential uses, plant-plant, plant-soil and plant-herbivores interactions.
2. Conservation of biodiversity: impacts of invasive plants on natural areas, ecophysiology of protected plant species.
3. Dissemination of science: impacts of invasive plants and nature conservation, science and citizenship.


Contact us

Universidad de Vigo-Facultad de Biología
Edificio de Ciencias Experimentales
As Lagoas-Marcosende s/n
E-36310 Vigo-España
Teléfono +34 986 812 594/ 986 812 624
